Abstract Concise Title

HOMEOPATHY: COST & BENEFIT (A book for laics – 110 pages)

Background and objectives:

The author of the book intending to touch the limits between homeopathy and the conventional medicine, inevitably gets into a suspected terrain that represents a marshal of financial interests, and where only a few had enough courage to step in, perhaps for being afraid to become contaminated or swallowed by this financial whirlwind when punctuating the advantages and differences between these two medical sciences – such facts are of public knowledge and all data can be collected from the daily newspapers – those having the necessary courage can cross through such a marshal, coming to the other side without any contamination, but having the main purpose to show the shiny jewel which is the homeopathy, considering cost and benefit.


Homeopathy when practiced by an able professional doctor, is rapid, efficient, cheap and secure for obtaining a healing. The foreword: of the book punctuates its purposes, introducing Hahnemann into the medical history. The introduction: shows an extended and more natural way that touches the risks of infirmities and also shows the more natural way to seek the equilibrium of a biological being through homeopathy. History: of the conventional medicine that exists for less than 160 years. Preventive action: treating the patients and not the diseases, in their susceptivity of becoming sick. Healing property: a classification of the sicknesses in functional causes, light and heavy injuries, and chronic deseases. Ranges and limits: the paragraph 67 of the “Organon”. Low cost: a rapid, secure and efficient treatment for the first hours in active cases, and for the initial days in chronic cases. Logics: starting with the experiments on LSD by Hoffman. Philosophy: the homeopathy brings back the familiar doctor as a close friend, and the book also shows the philosophic conceptions of the great masters, such as “Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis”. Emotional: a treatment for each patient’s history. Psychiatry: introducing Hahnemann into the psychiatric history. Hospital treatment: internal patients being viewed as treated by homeopathy. Financial vision: homeopathy offers a low cost treatment evidently cheaper than a conventional one. Education: how vast have been the benefits for children in school age when treated by homeopathy. Enterprises: production could be greatly increased when there were healthy equilibrated employees. To when the homeopathy is directed: to intelligent and well informed people who know how to evaluate their health. Health security: homeopathy translates “the mermaid song” that is, clears up the misteries. Medicine and pharmaceutic industry: the book describes the real interests and marketing for amplifying the people dependency on the laboratories products. Description of the big conglomerated enterprises and their exorbitant profits. Examples: are the medicines costs. Conventional medicine aim: the robotization of the human being. Homeopathy aim: the ninth paragraph of the “Organon”. How to select a good doctor: transcription of Hahnemann’s letter to a prince. Poor bacteria: the absurd intent to exterminate the bacteria. Valorization of the consult time: reasons for a differentiated medical consult, as to price, consultant time , besides a total investigation. Medicine education cost: description of the costs for a doctor’s graduation. Homeopathy in Europa today: reports on the works that have been developed nowadays. Homeopathy in the American continents and in Brazil: important steps that have been taken. Present challenges: the survival of homeopathy.


Despite of the fact that the two above mentioned medical sciences go forth side by side, they are never mixed together. The author : of the book has a homeopathic medical practice of 22 years.

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